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If you have a question, suggestion or need help using the platform, send us a message and we’ll get back to you.
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Sure! Just use the contact us button to get in touch and we'll pass your question on to the coach.
Check out the curriculum guide that comes with each sport. We've included as assessment table against the performance levels and a student-led assessment level the students to show you what skills and knowledge they already have.
Check out the curriculum guide that comes with each sport. We've included as assessment table against the performance levels and a student-led assessment level the students to show you what skills and knowledge they already have.
They're designed as a 5-10 minute introductory activity to get your students active as soon as they arrive at the class. There's a video and an activity designed to spark a discussion about a personal development topic and we've included some advice on how you can carry the learning over to the main lesson.
Sure! Just use the contact us button to get in touch and we'll pass your question on to the coach.
The lesson plans all follow the same structure, meaning that you can mix activities from each level if needed to adapt to the varying developmental levels within the class. But we've also included scaffolding and differentiation examples throughout to help guide your adaptation.
If you have a question, suggestion or need help using the platform, send us a message and we’ll get back to you.
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