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article 9 July 2024

Who’s Your Star Athlete?

That’s how we pride ourselves and what sells our program to the headteacher, the parents and the students. But...


Performance Mindset


Who's your star athlete?

How successful are we? How many trophies did we win? Which of our students are excelling in sport on a national or international level? Too many teachers spend their time developing their reputation through the success of their students.
The thing is,

“the taller the tree, the deeper the roots. Without deep roots, they don’t get very high.”

— Seth Godin, Author

Physical Education is about spreading our sporting roots. Its about anchoring our sports programs in the dreams, desires, and social structures of our students.

It’s about using sport as a vehicle to change young people for the better and creating a community we can be proud of.

It’s about using our passion for sports as a driver of our program, not simply being driven by our passion.

It’s about creating a sports program that matters for the students who care. And if you’re like most of the PE teachers I’ve met, you wouldn’t want it any other way.






Director of Performance Pathways

Martin Brockman is Director of Brockman Athletics, providing teacher training and track and field teaching resources for schools around the world. Representing Great Britain in the decathlon for almost a decade, Martin achieved a bronze medal at the Commonwealth Games in Dehli, 2010. On retiring from his international career, he moved to the world-leading Aspire Academy in Qatar as the Head of Athlete Development where he designed and implemented the academy athletics program from talent identification through to international athletics.


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