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article 24 September 2024

What if you had to charge your students for PE…

What’s the difference between a PE lesson and a lesson with a tennis coach?


What could make someone pay £30 for an hour of coaching with one person? Or even £10 an hour to be a part of their group lesson? What could make someone pay for something they’ve just received at school for free?

If you think they wanted “more of the same”, you’ve got the wrong answer.

People don’t pay extra for more of the same so we’ll have to do better than just being another sports lesson.

Instead, we need to tell a different story. The tennis coach is selling them a dream that they could one day be at Wimbledon. A dream that they maybe, just maybe, could make it as a pro. But they’re selling that they will, at least, become a better player.

But what are we ‘selling’ in PE? Work out what your students would pay you for and give it to them for free.





Director of Performance Pathways

Martin Brockman is Director of Brockman Athletics, providing teacher training and track and field teaching resources for schools around the world. Representing Great Britain in the decathlon for almost a decade, Martin achieved a bronze medal at the Commonwealth Games in Dehli, 2010. On retiring from his international career, he moved to the world-leading Aspire Academy in Qatar as the Head of Athlete Development where he designed and implemented the academy athletics program from talent identification through to international athletics.


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